ITRON Newsletter No.17 (HTML Edition)

ITRON Technical Committee, TRON Association
Katsuta Building 5F, 3-39, Mita 1-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108, JAPAN
TEL: (03) 3454-3191
FAX: (03) 3454-3224

ITRON-related Publications

Listed below are the publications prepared and issued by the ITRON Technical Committee as of October 1, 1995. The ITRON-µITRON Standard Handbook is a one-volume compilation of µITRON (Ver 2.0) and ITRON2 specifications. Each of the publications below can be obtained directly from the sources indicated.

The latest version of µITRON3.0 is Ver 3.02.00. Changes made since the µITRON3.0 Standard Handbook was released (Ver 3.00.00) are noted in Newsletter No.5 and No.11, as well as in ITRON Standard Guidebook~2.

The ITRON Standard Guidebook 2, which is a general introduction to the ITRON specifications, deals primarily with µITRON3.0. Meanwhile, the earlier ITRON Standard Guidebook '92-'93 remains as a valuable reference for use with the µITRON (Ver 2.0) and ITRON2 specifications, even though the dates in its title are now past.

ITRON-related Publications
Name Type Price Publisher Issued ISBN No.
ITRON-µITRON Standard Handbook Specification (Jap.) 4,800Yen Personal Media Co. 1990 ISBN4-89362-079-7
µITRON3.0 Standard Handbook Specification (Jap.) 4,000Yen Personal Media Co. 1993 ISBN4-89362-106-8
ITRON/FILE Standard Handbook Specification (Jap.) 3,000Yen Personal Media Co. 1992 ISBN4-89362-092-4
ITRON Standard Guidebook '92-'93 Textbook (Jap.) 3,500Yen Personal Media Co. 1992 ISBN4-89362-197-6
ITRON Standard Guidebook 2 Textbook (Jap.) 3,500Yen Personal Media Co. 1994 ISBN4-89362-133-5
µITRON Specification Ver Specification (Eng.) 12,000Yen TRON Association 1989 -
ITRON2 Specification Ver Specification (Eng.) 15,000Yen TRON Association 1990 -
µITRON3.0 Specification Ver 3.02.00 Specification (Eng.) - TRON Association 1994 -
- Prices do not include consumption tax.
- The documents issued by the TRON Association are available to Association members at a special discount rate.
- English-language specifications are distributed free of charge from here.

ITRON at the TRON Project Symposium

Three papers dealing with ITRON are scheduled for presentation at the TRON Project Symposium, which will take place November 30 and December 1 in Yokohama. The authors and titles are:

  1. "Real-Time Software Development System RTiplus"
    N. Iga, N. Ohashi, Y. Nakamoto, and H. Monden
  2. "Hardware Implementation of a Real-time Operating System"
    T. Nakano, A. Utama, M. Itabashi, A. Shiomi, and M. Imai
  3. "Improving Design Dependability Based on the TRON Loose Standardization Approach"
    A. Watanabe and K. Sakamura
The above papers are to be given during the ITRON and CHIP sessions on November 30, from 4:15 to 5:45. Contact the TRON Association for details of the Symposium. We hope to see a large turnout again this year.

During the same week, TRONSHOW '95 will be held on November 28 and 29 in Tokyo. Be sure not to miss the special exhibit on real-time embedded systems being planned for this show.

Report on the Embedded Systems Conference

As noted in ITRON Newsletter No.15, the ITRON Technical Committee took part in the recent Embedded Systems Conference (ESC), held September 12 - 15 at the San Jose Convention Center, in San Jose, California. They gave a presentation introducing the ITRON specifications, and further publicized the specifications as well as the overall TRON Project at a booth in the exhibition.

The presentation, entitled "Standard Real-Time Operating System Specification in Japan for Consumer Applications," was given by Mr. Henry Neugass on September 12, in one of the open technical sessions. Mr. Neugass, a specialist in embedded systems with close ties to the TRON Project, began with a brief introduction of the ITRON subproject. Avoiding a highly technical discussion, he focused on the place and status of the ITRON specifications, including the requirements and design policy and their application in Japan.

The TRON Association's booth in the exhibition used panels to describe each of the TRON subprojects and introduce the ITRON specifications. A variety of literature was on display as well. For this event, the English-language version of the µITRON 3.0 specification was converted to HTML format and shown on a personal computer screen. HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language, which is used to create World Wide Web home pages.

! This newsletter is a special edition for WWW of the one appeared in TRONWARE vol.36 and TRON PROJECT BIMONTHLY No.41.

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