The ITRON Committee of the TRON Association will host the ITRON International Meeting at the Hyatt Sainte Claire Hotel during the Embedded Systems Conference 2000 in San Jose, California. The purpose of the meeting is to present the overview and the current status of the ITRON Project and introduce the North America Chapter and its future directions.
The meeting will start at 1:00pm at the Sainte Claire room of the Hyatt Sainte Claire Hotel (accross from the San Jose McEnery Convention Center) on Wednesday, September 27, 2000. At the meeting, presentations on the current status and activities of the ITRON Project will be made by the ITRON Committee Members, both from market and technical point of views. Also, presentations by several companies are scheduled on ITRON-related products and their applications . Additionally, we will present the launch of ITRON North America Chapter in order to promote ITRON to the North American market.
All those interested in the ITRON Project are invited to attend the ITRON International Meeting. Those who plan to attend the meeting are asked to register with the registration form attached below.
ITRON International Meeting Registration Form September 27, 2000 Hyatt Sainte Claire, San Jose, CA To register, please fill this registration form and send it via E-mail or FAX to the following address. ITRON International Meeting Registration c/o TRON Association, Katsuta Bldg. 5F Mita 1-3-39, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-0073, JAPAN FAX: +81-3-3454-3224 E-mail: (Please type or print) Name (Last, First, MI): Affiliation: Address: City/State/ZIP: Country: Phone: FAX: E-mail:
The ITRON Project is to standardize real-time operating system for embedded systems and related specifications. Many products have been developed based on the µITRON real-time kernel specification, which was designed for consumer products and other small-scale embedded systems, and adopted in countless end products, making it an industry standard in this field in Japan. The ITRON specifications are investigated and developed by the ITRON Technical Committee of the TRON Association, as one of the subproject of the TRON Project. The ITRON Project is explained in more detail on the ITRON Home Page at ""