The ITRON Technical Committee of the TRON Association will host ITRON Supporters' Meeting at the Hyatt Sainte Claire Hotel during ESC'97 West in San Jose, California.
The meeting will start with lunch served at noon at the Sainte Claire Room of the Hyatt Sainte Claire Hotel on Wednesday, October 1, 1997. At the meeting, presentations on the current status and activities of the ITRON Project will be made by the ITRON Technical Committee Members, both from market and technical points of view. Presentations by several major companies supporting the ITRON Project are also scheduled. After the presentations, an optional session will be available for those intersted. During this session, attendees may have discussions with the key members of the ITRON Project.
All those interested in the ITRON Project are invited to attend the ITRON Supporters' Meeting. Those who plan to attend the meeting are advised to register early, because the meeting room space is limited.
ITRON Supporters' Meeting Registration Form October 1, 1997 Hyatt Sainte Claire, San Jose, CA To register, please fill this registration form and send it via Email or FAX to the following address. ITRON Supporters' Meeting Registration, c/o TRON Association, Katsuta Bldg. 5F, 1-3-39 Mita, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108, JAPAN. FAX: +81-3-3454-3224 Email: (Please type or print) Name (Last, First, MI): Affiliation: Address: City/State/ZIP: Country: Phone: FAX: E-mail: