The License Conditions on using "JCG development products (JCG Products)" are described in the beginning of each file of the source code. The following gives some additional explanations.
As long as the License Conditions stated are observed,
"JCG Products" may be used (executed),
copied, modified, distributed, sent, re-granted, lent or adapted
(hereinafter called redistribution as a whole)
for free in either form of source code or object code
(including those which became libraries as a part
of JCG application development environment).
Just a part of "JCG Products" may be redistributed also.
In addition,
whole or a part of "JCG Products" may be used for commercial purpose
and sold by being integrated into a product.
Even in that case, no loyalty is to be charged.
NO WARRANTY : Copyrights Holder (which is TRON ASSOCIATION and Information-technology Promotion Agency, Japan (IPA)) provides no warranty and is not liable for the result of using "JCG Products". Use "JCG Products" on your own responsibility. If there is a problem to have no warranty such as to develop a commercial software or integrate "JCG Products" into a product, contact TRON ASSOCIATION JCG project section( jcg@itron.gr.jp).
Redistributing source codes :
When redistributing the source codes of "JCG Products",
original Copyright Notice,
redistribution conditions and NO WARRANTY Provision must remain in
the source code no matter any modification is made or not.
When using or redistributing the modified source codes,
you can add Copyright Notice as a author of the Derivative work
and establish your own redistribution conditions
on the part of the Derivative work
(which is to establish redistribution conditions different
from original redistribution conditions).
Modifier can provide some warranty for the Derivative work as long as the
users agree that the original creator (which is TRON ASSOCIATION and IPA) is
exempted from the warranty.
Example for Copyright Notice on the Derivative work and License Conditions of using the Derivative work
Redistributing object codes :
When redistributing object codes created from modified source codes or
integrating those object codes into a product, original Copyright Notice,
note of developing the object codes by modifying "JCG Products", original
redistribution conditions and NO WARRANTY provision do not need to appear.
However, the users of those object codes must agree that original creator
(which is TRON ASSOCIATION and IPA) is exempted from the warranty.
This is also applicable
when redistributing the object codes of "JCG Products" or
integrating them into a product without modification.
Quoting : When quoting a part of source codes or document of "JCG Products", the source (quoted from JCG Products of TRON ASSOCIATION and IPA) must be given.
Usage Report : Although it is not obligation, we ask you to report to TRON ASSOCIATION (jcg@itron.gr.jp) to the best of your ability if you used "JCG Products", especially if you distributed the source codes or object codes or integrated those codes into a product. Upon your report, we may be able to send you later information on "JCG Products" or version up notification.
Copyright (C) 2000, 2001 TRON Association