JCG project development products are provided with their sources and thus, can be transplanted to another platform. However, an object program which operates in the following environment is available for those who want to execute the project immediately for trying or evaluating program.
Hardware DOS/V PC OS BTRON3-specification OS "Cho-Kanji"
* "Cho-Kanji" contains "I-right/V", micro-ITRON 3.0-specification OS, as the kernel of OS. JCG-related object programs included in this site operate on "I-right/V".
* You can purchase BTRON3-specification OS "Cho-Kanji" at personal computer shops in Japan. Contact the sales agent, Personal Media Corporation, for details.
This site provides the following softwares which can be used for free in accordance with its own License Conditions.
They are development products of the JCG project and may be used only when you agree to "License Conditions on using JCG Products" .
"JCG Products" consists of the following three. All of them are provided as an archive file compressed in tar + gzip format, which includes sources and objects executable in DOS/V PC environment.
* "JTRON platform" also includes ChaiVM and slimrt which are not "JCG Products". Refer to the section of "Programs for building JCG execution environment" described later for License Conditions on using ChaiVM and slimrt.
* "GUI middleware" also includes files which are not "JCG Products", such as sysfnt.c (you can distinguish these by Copyright Notice). Refer to the section of "Programs for building JCG execution environment" described later for License Conditions on using sysfnt.c, etc.
As for sources, they can be complied without any changes by using "JCG application development environment" described later (except for some functions) and also can be modified or transplanted to other platforms. As for objects, they are executable in DOS/V PC environment under the operating environment previously described. However, objects do not operate alone and need to be executed after being linked with application which calls JCG Products. For this reason, objects are provided in the format of library in development environment. Both sources and objects can be used for commercial purpose and require no loyalty.
The copyright for the "JCG Products" software is held by TRON ASSOCIATION and Information-technology Promotion Agency, Japan (IPA). Refer to "License Conditions on using JCG Products" for Copyright Notice and warranty.
As for details on how to use or install the software, refer to the Instruction manual for overall JCG Products, instruction such as README provided in the corresponding directory of the archive file. In addition, also refer to JTRON 2.0-specification for "JTRON platform".
These are programs for building JCG execution environment necessary to operate "JCG Products" or objects of test programs in DOS/V PC environment.
"Programs for building JCG execution environment" contains the followings and can be used only when you agree to its License Conditions on using.
JCGENV, libjcg.a |
JCGENV is a patch for target machine side to operate ITRON application in BTRON- specification OS "Cho-Kanji". "Cho-Kanji" itself operates without any problem even if JCGENV is installed. libjcg.a is an interface library to make BTRON-specification OS "Cho-Kanji" functions, such as device management, file management and TCP/IP, available in task contexts of "I-right/V", micro-ITRON3.0-specification OS. libjcg.a must be installed in development environment (host machine) side. The copyright of these softwares belongs to Personal Media Corporation. These softwares may be used only when you agree to " License Conditions on using JCG-related programs ". Refer to README file in ENV directory or CHAPTER 2 of the Instruction manual for how to install the software. You need both JCGENV and libjcg.a no matter which functions of JTRON, CORBA or GUI you use. |
ChaiVM, slimrt |
ChaiVM is Java Virtual Machine (JVM) for evaluation and used to execute JTRON platform. ChaiVM may be used only when you agree to " License Agreement on ChaiVM object code for evaluation ". The copyright of this software belongs to Hewlett-Packard Company. While ChaiVM is provided in the form of library (libchai.a), you usually use slimrt, which is ChaiVM in the form of execution module. " License Agreement on ChaiVM object code for evaluation " is also applicable to slimrt. Note that both ChaiVM and slimrt require another license agreement with Hewlett-Packard Company when redistributing or integrating the software into a product. Both ChaiVM and slimrt are included in JTRON platform archive and are necessary only when using JTRON platform functions. Refer to instructions given in the archive or CHAPTER 2 of the Instruction manual for details. |
gkbpd |
gkbpd is a driver for keyboard/pointing device (KB/PD) used to execute GUI middleware. This is included in GUI middleware sample application archive and is necessary only when using GUI middleware functions. The copyright of this software belongs to Personal Media Corporation and this software may be used only when you agree to " License Conditions on using JCG-related programs ". |
GUI middleware evaluation fonts |
GUI middleware archive contains src/sysfnt.c, a font file for evaluating GUI middleware functions. The same fonts are also included in libgui.a, a library of the GUI middleware functions. The copyright of the fonts included in these files belongs to Personal Media Corporation and these fonts may be used only when you agree to " License Conditions on using JCG-related programs ".
Development environment for ITRON application programs which operate with "JCG Products" is built by adding "JCG application development environment" to " Cho-Kanji development environment (Japanese Only) ". The entity of "JCG application development environment" is "JCG Products" objects library, "Programs for building JCG execution environment" and header file for JCG. Refer to README file in INCLUDE directory or CHAPTER 2 of the Instruction manual for how to install header files, etc. As for how to install the "JCG Products" library and "Programs for building JCG execution environment", refer to CHAPTER 2 of the Instruction manual or instructions such as README file for the corresponding program.
"JCG application development environment" may be used only when you agree to " License Conditions on using JCG Products " and " License Conditions on using JCG-related programs ".
Use commercial Java development environment (JDK 1.1.6) as development environment for Java side application programs of JTRON platform.
Programs for test and evaluation experiments are available as sample applications using JCG Products. All of them are archives compressed in tar + gzip format and can be compiled by using "JCG application development environment".
The conditions on using "JCG sample applications" are the same as the conditions of "Programs for building JCG execution environment" and thus, JCG sample applications may be used only when you agree to " License Conditions on using JCG-related programs ". As for the copyright of "JCG sample applications", the part for JTRON platform belongs to Toshiba Information Systems, the part for embedded CORBA belongs to NEC Corporation and the part for GUI middleware belongs to Personal Media Corporation.
The result of executing the program provided for test and experiments for evaluation should be used only as reference. Which means, it does not guarantee all the operations subject to the test that the test program provided here operates correctly.
* This site is a special edition for WWW of "Distributed Software Platform for Consumer Information Appliances (The JCG Project)", which is available from a CD-ROM provided by TRON ASSOCIATION.